The "Voice" of Frank Sinatra will not be forgotten!!!
And, with James Morgan performing......
his "Art" will not be lost!!!
A Good Time is had by all while
Morgan Sings Sinatra.

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James is available for :
Corporate Events, Private Parties,
Fund Raisers, Cruise Ships, Cabaret,
Full Concerts, and Nighclubs, etc...


Call today for information and bookings
CDs and DVDs available.


In 1998, James made such an impression with his Tribute to Sinatra at a Fund Raiser that he received media coverage.
So, after a few more performances and press, he decided to change his career from computer graphics to becoming a
celebrity impersonator; thus keeping alive an American Heritage, with "The Voice".
While doing local gigs there in St Petersburg, he secured a permanent run with a 5-Star Italian restaurant. "Located in a
tourist town", James would say, "Celebrity and Sports Figures would often dine there".
"Joe Torre comes to mind, as he once told me" "Keep doing it Your Way, James". While Dick Vitale would always
request his favorite" "My Way"!!!
And, I won't forget the silent, smiling : ( Hand-to-Back Pat ), given by Cal Ripken, Jr."
Other notables and memorable happenings have filled the years there. "Governor Charlie Crist was there recently; but,
Howevah; protection promised from him,.....yet".


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National Celebrity Lookalike Examiner

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Interview with Education News